It can also be converted back to the decimal form.
Converts between Standard form and a Decimal: This calculator can transform a displayed decimal calculation result to a fraction or mixed number. Statistics and Linear Regression: This calculator can linear regression, quadratic regression, logarithmic regression, e exponential regression, ab exponential regression, power regression and inverse regression. Reciprocal, square and cube calculations. Complex Number Calculations: Your calculator can perform the following: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Simultaneous and Polynomial Solver: This calculator will solve simultaneous linear equations with two unknowns, simultaneous linear equations with three unknowns, quadratic equations and cubic equations. It also allows you to enter vectors and perform vector calculations. Matrix and Vector Calculations: The Matrix mode allows you to perform matrix operations on matrices with up to 3 rows and 3 columns. Accessories Included: Slide-On Hard Protective Case. Recommended for students taking General Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I and II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics, Calculus, Chemistry, Engineering. The Casio FX-115ESPLS2-S 2nd Edition Scientific Calculator with slide on hard case and sleek new design with Natural Textbook Display, in addition to advance Statistics, Matrix, and Conversion functionality, is a perfect choice for high school and college students. If you have a Casio fx-115ES that is no longer working, you can consider replacing the calculator with a modern equivalent.Description This item is excluded from coupons and other discount offers. Press AC to get the contrast test screen, and press AC again to get to the keypad test - the numbers then increase as each key is pressed in the correct order (omitting the ON key which exits test mode). Pressing the SHIFT key shows 5 display test patterns in turn, followed by the ROM version.
While holding SHIFT and 7 keys (or just SHIFT key for early models) press the ON key. Be sure to back up any important information held in the calculator before running these tests.
Note that diagnostic tests generally delete any data on the calculator. Thank you unconditionally much for downloading Casio Fx 115es Advanced Scientific Calculator Manual.Maybe you have knowledge that, people have see numerous period for their favorite books behind this Casio Fx 115es Advanced Scientific Calculator Manual, but end up in harmful downloads. You can download the Casio fx-115ES manual from this external link. A sample of this calculator is held in the collection. The calculator was manufactured in China.
It has 300 functions, 50 keys, and an LCD (liquid crystal) display. The Casio fx-115ES is a scientific calculator with 12 digits precision and formula input logic. The calculator home page Home Download FAQ Online Calc Articles Database Resources About ☰ Casio fx-115ES (Natural Display)